We're Into Community Peace Building & Developments. Conflicts Resolutions. We advocates for better Educations. Health. Seminers & Workshop Programes. Youth Empowements. Fundraising Talents Shows. Talents & Skills Hunting. Training & Recruitments. Musical & Movies Productions. Fashions & Designing. Gender Equality. We fight against. Child Abuse. HIV AIDs. Communicable Dieseases. Poverties.
We works to end poverties in the world. So to creats an enable world to the people for their better sustainabilities. OUR MISSION Our mission are to build a condusive reputation to the people in the world. By bringing a moltivated and innovative skills & talents seminers & workshop programes that will educate many youths and adults in various skills & talents programes that will enable the people to become useful to theirselves and the societies they come from.
Then to also enable to eradicates poverties and afflictions out from the surface of the earth. So they world will be in peace & harmony and then to have a lot of sustainabilities in their lifes endevour. OUR VISIONS Our vision is to see that we bring the people in the world to have a personal talent & skills that will bring in development in their various communities in the world.
We work to bring in various skills & talents that will create a huge benefit that will serve the people and their upcoming generations. By connecting people around the world to affiliate together to build a suitable life and world to dwell in. Because we believe joining hands together to work and volunteer as one people will generate a better and huge benefit to others in the world.
And also it will help bring in an employement & empowement that will survive many humans in the world. HEALTH Health is the first thing in life to all living being. We prevent and treate many communicable dieseases that can take the lives of our people in the world.
We protect the lives of the people in bringing a better clinical & hospitalities care in a modern standard so to protect the lives of the people especially the children. And also host seminers & workshop programes on health and diesease preventions. So to teach and educate the people on health matters.
We train and educate various people in health and how to prevent theirselves from various communicable dieseases which can causes demage to the humans in the world.
We believe working and volunteering with us to ends HIV/AIDs. Tubaculouses. Malerias. Cancers. Transmitted & Communicable Dieseases and others killer sicknesses in the world will had to save more souls.
Then to bring in a better healtheir living to the people to survive and sustain with. EDUCATION We educate and train various children, Youths, Adults on various skills & talents system that will help bring in modern and standard development into our various communities in the world.
We educate people in science, arts/cultural development to enable the people in the world to know more about their various traditions and also what they're meant for. So they would be able to work towards it and then put it into practise.
Our educational system teaches people on how to communicates and rendered help to each other by joining hands together to build an innovatable platform that will also help in educating more children to become perfect leaders of tomorrows.
We always believes that education is the key to building a reasonable kingdom to serve and save the inteligencies of the world into an existence that will prosper we all. Come with us let's build a better and bigger world for our educational symbols. FUNDRAISING & SPONSOR/SUPPORT PROGRAMES We bring in various talents & skills together to host competitions, shows that will held funds at the end of the programes. By hosting musical talents shows. Fashions and designing shows. Quiz competitions. Sports and athlets competitions shows. Health and seminers programes. Movies productions. Youth Empowerment Programes.
We hosts this programes to help raise funds to finance the people in the world in their various skills and talents they're all living with.
Sponsor & supporters are always needed in any of our activities. And we believes doing this activities with us will help in bringing and raising more sustainable programes to help bring in changes to the peoples lives and as well to their various societies the all comes from.
Our fundraising applications are always open to any organizations. Companies. Donors. Sponsorers. Affiliators and supporters. Who wish to help bring in changes to the people are always free to call on us and we shall always be there to work with.
And lots more of our research programes we conducts both for Companies. Institutions. Universities. Foundations. NGOs. Civi Societies. Industries. Oil & Gas Sectors. Factories. Manufacturers. Workshops. Communities. IDP Camps. Countries & Worldwide. We conduct research to enable science to build a better an easy technology that will make things perfect and go round the globe. We work on the best research skills & talent that will make things acquireable at any giving time.
Our best research team is always there and at the readiness of any research field that they're ask to be conducted. ONGOING RESEARCH ON EDUCATION Our ongoing research about education, We see education as a line of knowledge sharing and skills impacts developments, We always counts education as the means of quicker learning and communications, Our onging research programmes is to educates our children on how to be useful to their various sujects they're learning and how they can creats a better impacts towards their studies, During the Covid19 Pandemic, We founds out that many of our children have somany talents and skills and are very much awaiting to explored their ideas to manifests in the world, So our research programmes is to educates the children on angle they're all perfects for, And to creats a science and knowledge sharing centre where people will come and explored their innovatives ideas, We always wish to welcome supporters and donors in our research programmes and willing to build a perfects reputations with partners and affiliators.
For more info about our ongiong research programes and supports. Pls call or write us on.
Email- ndamndam24@gmail.com
Our ongiong Agricultural and Food research programmes is initiated to tackle the insufficients foods and to survived the people, Our research founds out that many people are lacking their needs since the wide spread of the coronavirus, People cant go out, Businesses was closed, Road and borders where close, Schools, Offices and Investors where all restricted from movements, During this our ongoing research, We comes to understands that agricultures is huge ways of human sustainabilities and good health, Many people where all starves and hunger, We're ongoing this programmes to educates and trains people about agriculture and food sufficiency, Our programmes featured markets research on how scarsity things are especially food bank, So we wish all nature lovers to participates and supports our programmes to raise excess agricultural products to enable and produces sufficients food banks for the people in the world, We believes working together will strengthen agricultural strength to meets up food productions so to stop hunger and starvations in the world.
For further enquiring how to partners and supports our programmes, Pls call or write to us on
Email- ndamndam24@gmail.com.
+2347061050932. Tiki voice